Rat & Rodent Infestation ?

Remove - Clean - Protect

Our comprehensive inspection will provide the information to set your best plan of action.

Rat and rodent infestations are serious. If you have reason to suspect your property is affected,
most likely your problem is worse than you realize!
We will assess the scale of your infestation and identify the paths of entry and nesting.

We’ll provide a complete plan of action and a fair and reasonable estimate of time and cost.


Our Team

I’m Ryan Wechsler, owner, the man in the middle of this photo, and these are my team members, Brandon on the left and Mitchel on the right.

We are a local crew born and raised in Marin County and take pride in serving  our community. 


Take Action

Schedule your Comprehensive Inspection today

and start the process to make your property

- rat and rodent free!